From Doylestown, PA
Take 611 north out of Doylestown.
If you take the Doylestown Bypass it rejoins 611N just below a large igloo-shaped salt storage building on your right hand side.
Immediately you will pass under Ferry Road. Stay right.
Just before the gas station, turn right onto Connector Road A.
At the next stop sign turn right onto Silo Hill Road.
Proceed 1/4 mile and turn left at the stop sign onto the Danboro/Point Pleasant Pike.
Proceed approximately 6 miles.
Wind down the hill to a stop sign as you enter Pt. Pleasant.
Proceed straight ahead, crossing the Tohickon Creek bridge; you are now on Route 32N.
32N makes a sharp left around an old hotel turned garden center. In a very short rise, Cafferty Road forks to the left. (River Road bears right. A one-story school house and a 19th centru church sit in the crotch of the Y.
Bear left onto Cafferty Road.
Tiffany Perennials is behind the little white house immediately on your left. (1 Cafferty Road). Park in the driveway to the right of white house.
The driveway to Mill Fleurs is directly across Cafferty Road from the back door of the church.